Scar treatment and prevention with silicone

An "evidence-based approach in scar management ... highlights a primary role for Silicone Gel ... in the management of a wide variety of abnormal scars."[1]

  • In a 27-trial meta-analysis and results from 8 randomised controlled trials, Silicone Gel proven safe and effective for hypertrophic scars and keloids
  • Best practice, in many cases, involves the use of less radical therapy early on for both treatment and prevention
  • Silicone is the only non-invasive option for which evidence-based recommendations have been made for both scar treatment and prevention
  • Silicone is recommended as first line therapy in the treatment of:

- Linear hypertrophic scars
- Keloids
- Widespread burn hypertrophic scar

  • Silicone gel can be used as mono-therapy or in combination with other therapies

Abnormal scar prevention

For abnormal scar prevention, silicone should be considered as first-line prophylaxis, beginning shortly after surgical closure[1]

Intra-individual comparison of 20 patients after 2 months' treatment and 6 months' follow-up

Use of Silicone Gel should begin soon after surgical closure, when the incision has fully epithelialised.[2]



  • Mustoe TA et al. Plast Reconstr Surg 2002;110:560-571
  • Mustoe TA, Cooter RD, Gold MH et al. International clinical recommendations on scar management, Past Reconstrtr Surg 2002; 110: 560-71
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